Monday, September 13, 2010

Popes in a Volkswagon

Apparently not finished with her pontificating, Madame RES Director zings off another e-mail to me. Not, of course, responding to my inquiry about to whom I can appeal her decision, but to further endeavor to make me feel as though I am in the minority with my opinions.

I highly doubt it.

She fortifies her position by stating that the Masses were requested by the families and approved by the RES Board. (There is a Board? Who, pray tell, comprises that merry little band of idiots?)

She notes that many families enjoy these special Masses. (Who are these families? They are either lying or are the types that also enjoy mosh pits, political rallies, riots and stampedes.)

She also writes that all of the (offensive, patronizing) information had been requested by the Board, the catechists and the families.

Really? They just stepped up and volunteered their opinions and spoke for all of us? And their voices count so much that in deference to them we’ll choose to insult the entire RES community because some idiot can’t remember that the Solemnity of Mary is celebrated on New Year’s Day and needs to be reminded in writing that he’ll need to plop plop fizz fizz and take his hangover to church?

I offer that I have been a RES parent for 7 years and I have never been consulted about such matters. I have never had my bright ideas solicited.

How is it that now that I have shared my opinion, she is choosing to discount it?

And while I am distracted by the Holy Wars, I am nearly unaware that the blinking light on my phone means I have a message waiting.

A long, haranguing message from none other than my mother, who is finally weighing in on the events of the weekend my brother came a-calling.

Heaven help us.

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