Friday, November 23, 2012

To See or Not to See

A few hours go by. Hil and Pat and I have dinner.

Pat goes down he street to visit a friend.  Hil and I do Blindfolded Makeup (where one of us is blindfolded and gives the other a makeover. Hilarious.)

By the time I have been made over like five dollar hooker and have done the same for Hil, it is 8:30.  I decide to call Scott before scrubbing my face.

No answer. He's probably gone to bed. I guess I'll have to wait for his morning text to learn what the weekend will bring. I'd love to be able to offer to join him at the shore to help him at his sister's house, but Hil has a party to attend, and Pat has finals to study for all weekend. Bummer.

Knowing that my groceries are arriving the next morning between 7 am and 9 am, I turn in a little bit early.  I set my alarm so I an shower and dress before the earliest delivery time. I won't need it. Scott will text me when he opens his eyes. He always does.

The next morning I am alarmed (no pun intended) to be awakened, not by my text message notification, but by my clock radio. Odd.

I get up and feed the cats. I jump into the shower. I wrap my hair in a towel and dress just seconds before I hear the familiar ding of my text message notification. Excited, I dash to the phone.

Not Scott. It's the grocery delivery courtesy text. Basically designed to say, "Get off the toilet/out of bed/off the phone because your groceries are arriving next."

I comb through my hair and get myself looking decent.  Scott could actually be on his way as well. It wouldn't surprise me.  I'll finish my makeup when the groceries are away.  I am glad I ordered scrapple. I'll leave it out on the counter and slice it when he gets here. Maybe make some waffles.

I hear the ding again and again dash to the phone. It is the grocery people again. They are pulling up in front of the house. I look up and down the street. For the delivery truck and for Scott. Only one appears.

I think about calling him or texting him, and think better of it. He mentioned having to replace shingles on his roof. Better not to have him fumbling for his phone while he's dangling from the chimney.

I put the groceries away. And then I put the scrapple away, too. I make waffles for Hil and drink a second and third cup of coffee.  I guess I'll get on with my day, Scott or no Scott. Though I am a little miffed he hasn't said what his plans are.

I run my errands and do the routine chores. But all the while there is something nagging at me.

Where is Scott and why hasn't he called me?

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