Thursday, August 2, 2012

Second Amendment Wrongs

Facebook is full of opinions this week. Most notably, people commenting on the idiot musings of Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy who hello, runs a fast food chain. 

He seems to think he is qualified to pass judgement on those of us who support gay and lesbian marriage and those who would like to engage in gay or lesbian marriage but have limited opportunity because Small Minded America thinks it can have an opinion.

Let me remind you: He runs a fast food chain.

Someone (someone probably named Rush Limbaugh) thought it would be hilarious to give him radio air time so that his lunatic ramblings could reach a wider audience.

I hope he is successful as a radio talk show personality. Because his food chain is going right into the crapper. Celebrities, gays and lesbians, supporters of gay and lesbian marriage, anyone who knows someone gay or lesbian, and anyone with half a brain cell pinging around in his head, will refuse to cross the threshold of Chick-fil-A so long as he is on the payroll or sits on the Board.

I would sooner eat the stuffing out of the chair I rest my ass on at this moment than patronize that bigoted blow hard's restaurant. Waffle fries craving or not. Not. Going. To. Eat. There. Chick-fil-Lame.

But he is finding supporters in pockets of the social media world and oddly, those same supporters, in large part, have another thing in common.

Many of them have had a visceral reaction to those people commenting on Facebook that implore our states and our Federal government to pass stricter gun control laws.

They support just the opposite. They are rallying in support of looser gun restrictions.

And by this, I am truly baffled. In my opinion, and I come by it honestly, having recently born witness to what can happen when two people come to a family party with guns in their pockets (instead of perhaps, a spinach dip or a wedge of Brie) and wind up in an argument, (no, I am not talking about my family, or J.'s funeral...surely we'd have covered that!) more guns doesn't solve anything. More guns just means more violence. Guarantees it.

More married people means....what? I can't think of anything troubling to come about by having more married people.

And this, friends, is the basis for my argument.

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