Thursday, June 20, 2013

Calling It Like It Is

So a member of the Drill Team. Evidently quite a memorable member of the Drill Team. 

There weren't recent messages, but there were a few. 

And they had begun a few months before.  Right around our first anniversary. The timing was just cruel.  He'd planned a nice evening out for us. I had picked just the right thing to wear. Spent time on my hair and my makeup and my nails.  And he'd spent time contacting chippies from my graduating class who plateaued about a week after graduation. 

The initial contact was fairly benign, but she'd obviously read into his contact the way I imagine he hoped she would. 

And being a girl, she dug around on his Facebook page. 

And there it was.  She asked him point blank if I was the same person as the person with the same name who went to high school with us.

He tap danced. Admitted only that I was she and she was me. Nothing more.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

To which he replied, to my everlasting horror, "Ha ha!  She lives like 90 miles away!"

Denied me. Did not own me. Unclaimed freight.  He wanted her to believe he was free to date his pants off. And I was thinking he might just be unleashed to do so in about 10 minutes.

But she was smarter than he was and called him on it.

"Well she's all over your Facebook page and is always with you and calls your house her home away from home so it looks like she must be." 

And he must have slunk off with his tail between his legs at that point because not only was he looking like a sleazy Facebook stalker, he was also looking like a philandering pig who lies to his partner.

His partner who was having vivid daydreams about raking her fingernails down his pretty face at the moment.

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