Thursday, February 14, 2013

Back in Time

Toni and I meander through town and talk through all that we have not discussed about Scott. All the things that we would be unlikely to discuss in front of Del. She's amazed that I have found room in my heart to have forgiven him. Frankly, so am I - but I have found that grudges keep me awake at night plotting revenge.  Forgiveness sets me free. I don't care if people think I'm foolish and prefer that I'd proceeded with castration.

We spend some time laughing about people with work with and problems we deal with at our respective offices, both of which seem to be in downtown Hell. We have always rooted for each other in our careers. We both dream of a day when we can work together again. Such great professional chemistry. We'd be hard to beat as a team. Someday.

We get to the bar and look for parking, swearing every time we think we've found a spot and it isn't one. She remembers that I am the world's best parallel parker. I promptly jump the curb. She gets out of the car and falls in a hole. I nearly pee as a result. It is exactly like when we were 22 - only we have better jewelry.

We take a seat at the bar and order three beers because as we survey the place Del comes up behind us.  The twins have a post-game social engagement and he has another hour to kill with us.

I am shocked that Toni, the light-beer or red wine only girl is not only drinking but critiquing the IPA we ordered. Del must have rubbed off on her during their marriage. I wonder what they are noticing about me. Whose influence am I wearing on my sleeve?  Lars? J.? Scott?  Am I wearing it well or are the years on my face, and is the trouble bubbling out in my sarcasm?

Del leaves eventually and we immediately traipse to the older bar next door.  It used to be our haunt back when it was the only game in town. The little old men have been replaced by college students in backwards baseball hats and young women in jeggings and heels as opposed to drinking shoes. The jukebox has given way to some complicated music streaming thing.

I go to pay a fortune for 5 songs and to pee.

I return to find that Toni has found seats for us and is seated at the far side of the bar. There are shots and beers lined up in a row in front of her and she is smiling that trouble-making smile.

We really are 22 once more. 

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