Monday, March 12, 2012

It's Your Thang, Do What You Wanna Do

And with hours on the plane with myself and with Scott I have time to let my mind wander back to my ladies' room epiphany. The one where Mirror Mirror on the Wall tipped me off that I was no longer the fairest of them all. Beyotch that she is.

If you recall, I'd boarded the plane with pin-straight, parched, flyaway hair, bags under my bloodshot, sleep-deprived eyes, and skin that needed to visit the spa. At some point, perhaps suspecting that I was suffering from The Uglies, perhaps just coincidentally, Scott says something that makes me think I've Been Doing It All Wrong. While pushing aside my hair to kiss my neck, he says, "Whatever happened to all your curls?"

I brushed it off saying, "Wait 'till we get to the Keys. They'll be back." There isn't an idiot in the world who would try to straighten wavy hair in the tropical heat of Key West.

But it got me thinking. As I spent the last year growing my hair and Bringing Sexy Back, I've loved that my pounds of hair (I admittedly have more than my fair share of follicles. I will never go bald) were growing heavier and heavier and making the usual chore of blowing out the unruly curls to a sleek straight do a much simpler, less arduous task. But maybe the look I loved was not loving me back.

And suddenly I am thinking about just that. What works for Sandra Bullock and Demi Whatever-name-she-goes-by-now may not work for yours truly. And I am thinking about the lady at work that I recently spoke with who's been trying to hold on to her youth with both hands and had the hair do to prove it. While we talked I had been distracted by how her long straight locks had made her face seem elongated and cartoonishly narrow. It dragged down her features. She has very pretty eyes. But I'd barely noticed them for the hair.

Oh. My. God. I was her. She was me. H-A-G spells hag.

So I decided to use the trip to start the transition. I did not want to appear to over react, but let's be honest. I have a handsome man in my life who loves me for all the right reasons. I certainly want to do what I can to remain attractive to him. He's said he'd love me even if I were 600 pounds, but why not make it easy for him by inspiring him to chase me around the bedroom with my dazzling appearance?

So I let the Keys remind my hair what it is like to Do It's Own Thing. A few days of beach weather brought my curls back to life. Restored them to their bouncy selves. They were doing a little dance of joy all over my head.

And the sun on my face and glowing minimalist makeup made me feel youthful and fresh. I chucked the lipstick in favor of tinted gloss in a pretty peach. Used gleaming golden tones on my face. Put me on the cover of Seventeen Magazine.

So now as we headed for home, and back to the gloom of work and other harsh realities, I am wondering how I will maintain the look. With showers on the fly, and the rush to prepare for work, and after work obligations that keep me from my treadmill, and little time to pamper myself, what exactly will I do?

I'll figure it out. That's what I'll do. The Old Age Fairy better think twice about putting a whammy on me. That beyotch has a fight on her hands.

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