Friday, August 26, 2011

The Queen is in her Castle

The kids return to me on Friday and I am thrilled to see them. Take them to see the Glee concert movie. We sing and rock in our seats from beginning to end. I dare you to see it and try not to sing along. It is impossible. Don't bring around a cloud to rain my parade!

The next day, Hil wants to make pancakes. This is an activity still needing supervision and provides a perfect opportunity to take a pulse check on her reaction to the pending marriage. And maybe do a little prying.

"So, sweetie... Oh see the bubbles? That means it's time to flip. Careful. Good! Ok, so tell me. What did you think about Dad's big news?

She turns with a big excited smile and enthusiastically squishes down the pancake with a spatula. I tell her not to turn the light and fluffy little things into frisbees.

"OK" she giggles and is ready to gush about the wedding.

"So they don't know when they are getting married but we have already looked at gowns!"

Clearly Liza has had notions about her Big Day that have festered and percolated for decades without evolving chronologically. A gown at our age is just weird.

But Hil is thrilled with the pageantry so it is fun to hear about.

"And they looked at one country club they like. It's really really nice. Over by the mall."

I had imagined a rain forest by a waterfall and a rainbow, but a country club will do. Lars will have to play along, however unnatural the setting is. It would be like setting down your pet toad in the rose garden.

"And her ring is so beautiful!" I had imagined something with some meaningful crystals. Lars's way of showing his respect for her beliefs while also respecting his wallet, natch.

"It is a big diamond, with 8 other diamonds!" I am shocked. Lars must have found a bag of money somewhere. It's not like him to part with cash for something as frivolous as an engagement ring.

"So, Hil," I say as she pours another pancake into the sizzling pan. "How is Liza able to shop for a dress when she doesn't know what season she is getting married in? What if she likes a summery little thing and ends up with a January wedding date?"

"Well the one she really likes looks just like Kate Middleton's. But she's not going to get it."

"Oh, no? Why not?"

"Because it's $800 and Dad says it's too expensive."

Now, that's more like it.

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