Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fleas for Two, and Two for Fleas

Dr. Hoffmeir, while ooh-ing and aah-ing over Trinket is also giving her a good once-over, as my mother would say (when she was speaking to me, that is.)

She says something about Trinket's condition, it ends in "-itis" and makes me think of pimples. How pleasant. And she says, that when we see a case like this, we think of two things.

Do we now?  I was thinking two things, too.  "Bad mother" and "certain death" but I am hoping you were not thinking the same two things.

She continues, despite my thought bubbles filling the room.

"We think of food allergies..."

I interject. "I DID just change her food. She was not eating the other food anymore. I changed it to see if maybe she was just bored - and not losing her appetite because know."

"Ok, now we're getting somewhere. I would change it back."

Check. Food bag is going into the trash.

"And the other things is fleas."

Fleas?  Come on!  She's an indoor cat!

I tell her that Scott is a veteran pet owner and had said the same thing. But I'd checked her over and had not found any. Not that I'd know what I was looking for. I couldn't pick a flea out of a line up.

While I am defending my position on fleas, she is taking out a fine tooth comb, squirting it with something sterile-looking and tapping it on a cloth.  She returns to Trinket and runs it down her sleek, gray back.

Two fleas!!!!!!

OMG I am beginning to itch from head to toe.  I am picturing the little critters in every nook and cranny in the house. I have visions of bad Saturday night horror movies from my babysitting years. Like the one about the scientist whose house gets taken over by superdooper bugs who spell out messages on his walls before they come after him. 

Dr. Hoffmeir can tell I am freaking out.  She remains calm. A battle grizzled veteran of the Flea Wars, I am sure. She sends the tech out for some provisions. I am hoping there is an Irish Coffee somewhere in the order.

The tech returns (no Irish Coffee, natch) and Dr. Hoffmeir talks me through her treatment.

It is almost more for me than for Trinket. The woman is amazing.  In a matter of minutes my skin has stopped crawling, and I am feeling in control. 

Note to self. No more appointments with Dr. Tyson.

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