Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Food! Glorious Food!

The cement floor.

The unfinished wooden walls.

The dim lighting. (Probably a good thing.)

It resembled a garage.

I would have run screaming through the woods to safety if not for the smell of coffee (and my full cognizance of the fact that the nearest Dunkin' Donuts was an hour away.)

It was exactly the same, except the long wooden picnic tables had been replaced by square formica tables that seat 8, the picnic tables having been eaten by termites decades ago, I'm sure.

I follow Debbie and the scent of Folgers into the kitchen. Which was a no-no 40 years ago. We waited to be called. I guess coffee etiquette is different.

I fill my cup, add the creamer, and walk out to sit and unjangle my nerve endings.

Debbie follows me - and bends to whisper to me.

"We just broke the rules. We went in AND out the IN door." She points. She is right. There a purple magic markered sign above each door indicating which direction they are to be traveled through.

I've been here 5 minutes and I am about to get my first Haiku assignment.

I lay low and let the caffeine settle into my soul while some very energetic lady in khakis and denim named Muffy or Muffin or Puffin or some camp-bestowed name teaches the girls a song of thanks to be sung before the meal.

We hear it.
We repeat it.
We sing it.
We sing it in rounds three times.

There will be a lot of this this weekend.

But for now, it's chow time.

French toast sticks! Bacon! Cereal in little boxes! Yogurts! Fruit cup!

And the best part? It is all on paper plates and in little styrofoam bowls.


Things are looking way up. Bring on the Pond Exploration activity!

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