Friday, April 23, 2010

So Let It Be Written

After careful deliberation, I decided not to collaborate with Mom on my approach to this latest drama. Not that I didn't value her opinion - it was just that Mom didn't always have such compelling allegiance to social norms, and her advice could lead me astray. I might be jumping from the fire, not into the frying pan, but directly into Hell itself.

J. was in favor of the "let's see where this goes first" approach. My toes were figuratively right up to the edge of the abyss so I was a little concerned, but he knows his mother better than I ever will, so I decided to let him captain the good ship Loony Bin.

And then out of nowhere came the letter bomb I'd feared a few days earlier.

Evidently feeling like the spoken word and insults had failed to adequately articulate her opinions, and perhaps that she was becoming too easy to hang up on, Witchiepoo committed her full on bitch fest to writing, and sent J. the nasty-gram of the millennium.

The note was chock full of vitriol and hateful thoughts of me, brimming with accusations and condemnations of J. and went on for what appeared to be at least 1,000 words in that prim handwriting restating the rationale for the "no kid" model adopted for the Big Pink Frowse Fest.

I did not read it. J. suggested that what I did not read could not incite me to go riding off on my Huffy bike to carry out a head clunking spree.

There was one statement he shared (only one was deemed uninflammatory enough to be repeated) that made me think that it was just one more peice of Kool-Aid soaked propaganda attempting to degrade our stance on the wedding. She'd noted that Em and Chuck had "made an announcement two years ago that it would be a no kid wedding."

Who makes an announcement like that?

It would be like announcing "We're getting married and until we do, we are going to continue to practice safe sex." Or, "We're getting married in April, and we'll both be wearing underwear that day." Completely without relevance.

But writing it made it so. So let it be written, so let it be done.

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