Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Double Dose of Guilt

I wring my hands through the day and leave at 5.

I call the vet hospital to speak with the attending. This is all so bizarre.

The attending gives me the highs and lows on Trinket but mentions that she seems nervous and is not eating. I am wracked with guilt. 

I go home and let The Gidge out of confinement to run around and get her little kitten scent all over everything.  She is absolutely adorable and gleeful to be running all around. Again I am wracked with guilt.

The next day I get a call while I am at a Board Meeting (Bored Meeting). Trinket is ready to come home. They will keep her and love her up until I get there, but it is clear that she misses me. Once again, wracked with guilt.

I zoom home early, feed The Gidge, grab the crate and head out to get my little baby.

I wait and wait and wait and wait some more.

I get instructions about a bland diet and pain meds and oatmeal soap and stitches.

I wait and wait and wait and wait some more.

Eventually, Trinket is brought out to me. 

Shaven, stitched, dopey and wearing the Cone of Shame.

A very serious doctor tells me about boiling chicken and keeping her water dish filled and keeping her quiet while the stitches heal and wearing the Cone of Shame.

For two weeks! 

The little thought balloon above my head is screaming in all caps. "I DON'T SEE THIS THING LASTING FOR TWO MINUTES LET ALONE TWO WEEKS!"

The doctor helps me deposit Trinket in the dreaded crate. The Cone of Shame touches both sides of the crate. She can barely get in and can not turn around. We take her out. Back her in. It is quite a process.

I drive home and leave Trinket in the car while I go put Gidget back in solitary. 

I bring Trinket in and spring her from the crate.She darts around the room. She bangs into things. She can't squeeze into places. She misjudges doorways. She jumps up on the radiator only to have the Cone of Shame catch on the edge and force her to land again. She makes a mess around her food bowl trying to reach the kibbles that lie just outside of reach at the edge of the cone.

All together now...I am wracked with guilt.

It has just occurred to me that I have no idea what I am doing.

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