Monday, September 5, 2011

In Celebration of Girlfriends

One of the things I love about Girls Weekend is the ritualistic fun. And the fact that a really great Friday makes the weekend seem endless.

We routinely go to the hotel restaurant for the breakfast buffet. We order gallons of coffee and have to get terse with the waitress when she brings us demure little cups that she will happily return and refill 4 dozen times, but we'd rather have a pot. Just bring the pot. Don't make me go into the kitchen and take one.

We will wait for hours for a made to order omelet, eat half and go for French Toast and sausage. We'll get some fruit and ignore it. What we need is fat and carbs. Not pulp and vitamins.

We rehash the escapades of the evening before. Fill in gaps for each other. Piece together each person's story so we know what was happening when each of us was engrossed in our own drama. Or bar fight. Or crime spree.

And then Kate, who is a "maybe" for breakfast, and I head out onto the beach to walk to the next town over for shopping and talking and a trip to a convenience store for a life saving hoagie and vats of unsweetened ice tea. And then return to the pool for sun, napping and Girl Talk.

The Girl Talk is the best part. We get the true, unabridged, full strength, shameless scoop on each of our lives. Our kids, our sorrows, our careers, our parents, our worries, our diets, etc etc etc.

Topics this year included:

  • My ex-husband's pending marriage and what a laugh riot that could be to watch unfold

  • Joy's job, new since last summer, and the high drama behind the scenes

  • Kate's frustration with having to attend sexual harassment training when it was some other moron who sent a picture of his testicle to a married co-worker. Well, not a picture of his testicle. A scan of his testicle. With a growth on it. I am not sure that makes it any less horrifying. Or less hilarious.

  • The final wrap up with the Life and Times of J. Good riddance. No further discussion needed.

  • Penny's plans to override her sadness over the breakup with her beau with multiple flings with delicious men of all ages but only certain incomes. Girl's gotta eat.

  • Jill's thoughts on past loves - particularly those that she still bumps into, since that can't be discussed anywhere but here.

  • My over-the-top happiness with Scott and the pinch-me-I-can't-believe-I-have-it-all giddiness that goes with it.

  • All of our hopes and fears and worries and other developments in our kids lives. They have grown up under our noses. Where did the time go? We don't feel any older. How can they be?

  • And of course the out-loud reading of the Cosmo sex quiz. And a little color commentary on what our own experiences can add to the article.
And what I reaffirm this Girls Weekend as I do every Girls Weekend is:

  • There are no friends like girlfriends. We are so lucky to have even one. Blessed to have this many.

  • Your girlfriends never judge you. But will ask you to look at yourself if they think you are making a mistake, and let you figure it out. But if you are happy with your choices, so are they. And if they turn out to be bad choices, help you weather the storm.

  • Your girlfriends will never tell you that you look fat, but will not let you walk out the door in an outfit that does make you look fat. Even if they have to accidentally set it on fire with a cigarette.

  • Girlfriends root for you. They want you to look and feel great and will lend you anything they have to that end. It makes for good karma when you step out together. And the laughs will surely follow.

  • Girlfriends are amused by the ways that we are different from each other. Who needs 5 clones when you can have 5 wonderfully unique ladies at your side?

  • Girlfriends will allow you to momentarily question your faith in yourself, but will never question their faith in you.

And this is why Girls Weekends should be national holidays. If we can set aside a day to honor the flag, and remember the war dead, and celebrate independence, we can set aside a few days to revel in the love that we can only get from Girlfriends.

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